A Preacher of Righteousness
Unless one is born again he….”

 Rodney travels at his own expense…no offerings solicited ever


Perception, Reality, Truth

Rodney teaches it is the tendency of humans to allow our perceptions to form our realities which forms our truth. Yet does our truth align with THE Truth? There is a definitive, declarative truth that comes from God. Only when we listen and obey Him can we be confident that deception is dethroned. Only then can we embrace THE Truth; which reaffirms our personal reality and results in a proper perception.

One of the things we do best!

Turning Decisions into Disciples © is why we do what we do!


Why did an invisible, infinite God become a visible, finite human? Was it solely for the salvation of mankind or was there a larger purpose?


On Ramp: New Direction for the New Believer is foundational information for the brand new convert to Christianity.

one on one Evangelism Evangelist Rodney Hick
Evangelist Rodney Hick

One-on-One evangelism. If you have never done it joy and satisfaction 
escapes you! 

One of the greatest joys of a disciple is sharing the love of God with others. Capturing the attention of Americans is the first order of business.

Go into all the world…
“The Great Commission”
“Making disciples”
 go together like salt and pepper 

Whether you are traveling  across the street, across town, the state, nation or globe, only then can you embrace the magnitude of The Master’s command!

Evangelist Rodney Hick

Looking for charities?

These are some excellent financial stewards worthy of your support

Lakes Church is part of the Southern Baptist Convention. We are evangelical Christians that are on mission to know God and make Him known.

Mexican Indian Training Center (MITC), founded in 1956, exists to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, preparing individuals called to serve God and assist the works that develop as a result of this ministry. MITC concentrates on, but is not limited to, rural areas of southern Mexico.

charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries

This ministry continues to fulfill its vision to feed the hungry of the world, both physically and spiritually. In 2015, with the help of thousands of volunteers, over 53 million servings of soup was produced and shipped to more than 30 different nations.

The mission for Food for the Poor is to link the church of the First World with the church of the Third World in a manner that helps both the materially poor and the poor in spirit.

JFM is called not only to talk about love, but to show love with action. Joseph Feeding Mission Outreach Foundation (JFM) aims to continuously feed the hungry. Together, we can be used by God to feed our nation and be a blessing to those who are in need.

St. Jude is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Music has always been an avenue of pure and intimate worship with God. 

As you listen to these selections I am confident Holy Spirit will manifest Himself and you will NEVER be the same.

only jesus

We all have a song that we would call our banner, our signature identifier. This song is my personal anthem

hear these praises

It was 2000 when Holy Spirit introduced me to Hillsong Worship. This was the first song that He drew me in and the Glory fell

to the ends of the earth

True disciples have taken The Master serious when He said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” GO! 

you are my world

The Father covets intimacy & relationship with His children. Sit down, be still and worship. He will come…trust me